segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2009

You've got the love

Morei em Inglaterra durante 3 anos, foram tempos loucos, de muitas descobertas e aventuras. Adorei a experiência, conheci pessoas muito interessantes e curti muito!
Tive a sorte e o prazer de partilhar essa experiência com os meus companheiros e amigos, Tiago, Pedro Lito, Pedro Melo, Sergio Benídio, Miguel, Isabel, Zé Lopes.
Uma das músicas que mais ouvíamos na altura era You've got the love, da Candi Staton. Para quem não sabe, a Candi Staton é uma cantora de música católica e esta música fala sobre o companheiro que ela tem em Deus que a ajuda em todos os momentos, quando a comida acaba, quando as coisas correm mal, quando os amigos se afastam.

Leiam a letra e ouçam a música (esta é uma outra versão). Se puderem ouçam nuns bons headphones ou numa boa aparelhagem e com um som bem alto. Surpreendam-se!!!!

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air,
I know I can count on you,
Sometimes I feel like saying;
"Lord, I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through..

Sometimes it seems the going is just too rough,
And things go wrong no matter what I do,

Now and then it seems like life is just too much..
But you've got the love I need to see me through..

When food is gone, you are my daily meal,
When friends are gone,
I know my saviour's love is real,
Your love is real..

You got the love,
You got the love,
You got the love,

You got the love,
You got the love,
You got the love..

Time after time I think;
"Oh Lord, what's the use?"
Time after time I think it's just no good..
Cos sooner or later in life,
The things you love you lose,
But you've got the love I need to see me through..

You got the love,
You got the love,
You got the love,

You got the love,
You got the love,
You got the love,

You got the love,
You got the love,
You got the love,

You got the love,
You got the love,
You got the love,

Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air,
Cos I know I can count on you,
Sometimes I feel like saying;
"Lord, I just don't care"
But you've got the love I need to see me through..

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